9 Tips to Create a Successful Email Marketing Campaign

email campaign

Do you ever feel like your email inbox is overflowing with emails selling everything from candles to clothes to cars? Unless a consumer needs a product or service, it’s possible that those emails go directly to the trash folder unopened.

But what if your audience looks forward to opening your emails because you provide information that is of value to them? Knowing what your target audience finds worthwhile is crucial to having them find value in your emails. An effective email campaign needs to be written to attract the attention of the reader in spite of all of the other emails in a crowded inbox.

Tips For an Effective Email Campaign

Determine Your Objective. What do you want to talk about? What does your target audience want to see? Whether you are selling a product or service, or providing information about your business or industry, make sure it is something they want to know about.

Segment Your List. After you determine your objective, segment your list so you only target the audience who wants to hear about that topic. Don’t sell cat food to dog people! Modify your email as necessary and send it to different audience segments.

Be Personal. Include their name in the subject line, greeting or body of the email. Depending on how much information you collect about your prospects or customers, include those data fields in the email. They will feel that you are really know them and their needs.

Have a Killer Subject Line. More than a third of emails are opened based on the subject line. That is a powerful statistic. Understand what words may trigger spam filters, like ‘free’ and ‘discount.’ Other common words you may want to avoid because they are overused are ‘help’ and ‘reminder.’

Because so many consumers use their smartphones to access emails, keep subject lines to less than 50 characters so it is not truncated. Be sure that the subject line is consistent with the content in the email. If there is a disconnect between subject and content, your audience will be turned off. You may get a higher open rate, but at the expense of further action.

Be Concise. Consumers don’t want to dig for the great deals or nuggets of information. Make the copy clean and simple. If you can make an offer time sensitive, it will create an urgency for your audience to respond immediately.

Call-To-Action. One of the most important things a business can include in an email campaign is a meaningful Call-to-Action (CTA). What do you want them to do? Don’t have more than one or two CTAs in an email. Your email should have a clear purpose with a specific action you want your audience to take.

Responsive Design. Your email campaign should look great whether the consumer is reading it on a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone. When an email campaign is designed for smart phones, it is known as a responsive design.

According to Hubspot’s ‘The Ultimate List of Marketing Statistics for 2019,’ 73 percent of companies prioritize smart phone optimization over other devices.

A/B Testing. If you are unsure of which subject line or concept is best, test each one on smaller target audience segments. See which one provides the best results, then use that for the larger audience.

Measure Success. What are your open and click-through rates? How many consumers converted to a sale, if that was an objective of your campaign? Learn from what worked and what didn’t to measure the success of an email campaign.

Pet Butler Email Marketing Campaigns

For most business owners, knowing all the right steps to take for a success email campaign – or overall marketing strategy – can be difficult. Pet Butler Franchise Owners have access to the franchise’s marketing services team so they don’t have to be marketing experts. This team will work with Franchise Owners so they know what is and isn’t working and will fine tune the message to make it better.

Do you want to switch your independent business to a franchise system or find a new turn-key franchise opportunity? Pet Butler may be the perfect fit for you. A Pet Butler Franchise Owner will have the marketing resources and support to help you be successful. Learn more about Pet Butler by calling 844-777-8608 or email us franinfo@petbutler.com.


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