5 Ways Trade Shows, Community Expos and Local Events Can Help Your Business

tradeshow events

In this day of social media and online access to everything, does a business really need to spend time at trade shows or other local expos? The answer is a resounding ‘Yes!’

Social media is a great tool to use in your marketing plan, but it should not be your only tool. The rule of thumb is that it takes approximately 10 touch points to a potential customer for them to remember who you are. It may take more than that to have them become a customer. By using a variety of mediums (social media, website, email, direct mail, face-to-face), you can create more awareness for your business.

Making the Right Connections Face to Face

Especially if you are a small business, people tend to do business with people they know, like and trust. You cannot expect someone to trust you or your business if they do not know you. What better way to build rapport with someone than to meet with them face-to-face. Relationship management is an important piece of your marketing portfolio. However, meeting everyone individually for coffee could take too long. That is where trade shows, expos and community events can help.

Whether you go to a national convention, a local expo or you sponsor a local community event, you have the opportunity to let people see more than just your business. They can get to know you, your values, and how you, your product or service can help them.

How Tradeshows, Community Expos and Local Events Can Help Your Business

1. Create Lead Generation. Before you start generating leads, people have to know where you are going to be. This begins by marketing to attendees before the event. If you have access to an attendee list, start an email campaign before the event so they know who you are, what booth you are in, and why they should stop to meet you. Make sure there is a clear call-to-action. “Learn more about xyz.” “Stop by booth # and enter to win an abc.” You can also use social media to let people know you are going to be at this event. Invite your followers and others to join you.

2. Create a Lasting Impression. If you are one of dozens, hundreds or even thousands of businesses participating in an event, you need to stand out. Is your product or service unique? Does your message stand out? Those things will help, but you need to draw people into your booth. Make sure your booth is inviting. Do your banners show what problems your business can solve? Do they draw people into your booth? Invest in the right booth items, promotional materials or giveaways so attendees remember you the next day.

3. Know, Like and Trust. Expos are fantastic face-to-face networking events. Most expos have a specific theme or industry, so you will likely have people walking by who could use your products or services. This is your chance to have them get to know you, what you do, and how you can help them. It is also your chance to get to know them, what problem(s) they have that your products or services can solve and what sets you apart from other local competitors.

4. Lead Generation. Make sure you capture contact information for attendees who visit your booth. After you have told them how your product or service can solve a problem they have, continue to follow up with them and guide them through your sales funnel. Make sure they can easily access your social media and lead generation pages on their own.

5. Local Partnerships. If you are sponsoring a local event, you might not have the opportunity to show your product or service like you would at a trade show, but it is the perfect time to have members of the community get to know you and your company. Whether you are sponsoring a local event in your industry, a hole-in-one at a golf event or a youth sports team, you have the chance to meet prospective clients and gain goodwill for your company. If appropriate, have a company banner at the event, along with brochures. As you might do with trade shows, consider having a drawing so you can capture contact information for further follow up.

There are many ways to market to potential customers, both online and offline. In a world where people’s social media newsfeeds are full, meeting someone face-to-face can be a pleasant experience. This is your opportunity to make personal connections with many people in a single location.

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