How To Master the Upsell

Upselling is one of the best ways to edge a little more revenue out of your sales effort, give customers more reasons to be satisfied with your company, and help drive the success of your business. So, if upselling isn’t part of your current sales strategy, now is the perfect time to fold it in. […]
A Deep Dive Into Diversification & Why It Matters

Diversification is a buzzword that’s often thrown around as the secret to success in your business, but you may not have a deep understanding of what diversification entails and why it matters. If you fall into that group of “interested but not sure,” don’t worry, you’re not alone. Let’s unpack what it means to diversify […]
Social Listening and Why it Matters for Your Business

Twenty years ago, the dot-com bubble was still expanding and social listening did not yet exist. That’s how quickly digital marketing strategies have evolved and will continue to evolve. With so many frequent changes, how do small business owners keep up with social media and various trends? You can start by knowing the difference between […]
Customer Service Basics: What Your Team Needs to Know

Customers are your company’s most critical asset. When it comes to customer service, a positive customer experience can be the key to gaining and retaining a loyal customer. 87% of people say that good customer service changes their buying behavior. In fact, of people who reported having a bad experience, 97% claimed to change their […]
Mid-Year Business Planning

Annual business planning normally occurs in the third and fourth quarters of the previous year. During that time, business owners and team members reflect on performance and delivery, assess goals and create supporting strategies. Often, that is where it ends. With summer upon us, kids out of school and a sense of relaxation in the […]
How to Become a Better Mentor for Your Staff

As a manager, you have the unique opportunity to become a mentor to those who report to you. Bosses who rise to the occasion and take on the role of mentor transform from the title of boss into that of a leader. The truth is that whether you rise to the challenge of becoming a […]
Growing Your Pet Industry Business: Know your Options and How to Evaluate Them

We’ve all heard about the growth in the pet industry and the projections that it will continue to rise with no end in sight. In 2020, pet industry sales surpassed $100 billion for the first time. With that type of increase, there’s no denying the abundance of opportunity for business owners, both seasoned and new. […]