How to Manage a Multi-Generational Workforce

Currently, there are five generations in the workplace, each with its own set of values, career outlooks and aspirations. The generations in today’s workplace according to Purdue University are: Traditionalists (1925-1945) – 2% of the workforce Baby Boomers (1946-1964) – 25% of the workforce Generation X (1965-1980) – 33% of the workforce Generation Y/Millennials (1981-2000) […]

How to Manage Client Expectations

Excellent customer service starts with managing client expectations. Helping clients understand what they can expect from your services and what they shouldn’t is a fine art. Clear communication from the start is the key to setting and meeting expectations so that your customers are happy for years to come. 8 Steps For Managing Client Expectations Honesty is the best policy. A […]

Taking Advantage of the Off-Season

If you work in an industry that experiences slower periods throughout the year, the temptation as a business owner might be to check out and relax. While taking time to recover from the busy season is crucial, the off-season in business allows you to focus on things that you otherwise would not be able to […]

How to Become a Better Mentor for Your Staff

As a manager, you have the unique opportunity to become a mentor to those who report to you. Bosses who rise to the occasion and take on the role of mentor transform from the title of boss into that of a leader. The truth is that whether you rise to the challenge of becoming a […]

Growing Your Pet Industry Business: Know your Options and How to Evaluate Them

We’ve all heard about the growth in the pet industry and the projections that it will continue to rise with no end in sight. In 2020, pet industry sales surpassed $100 billion for the first time. With that type of increase, there’s no denying the abundance of opportunity for business owners, both seasoned and new. […]

When Recruiting is a Challenge, Retention is Critical

It’s not just you. Employers everywhere are having difficulty recruiting hourly, entry-level and mid-level positions despite the high percentage of unemployment. Before the pandemic, the hourly workforce was vast, making turnover easier to manage. Employers are now unable to fill gaps in their staff because the talent pool has shrunk dramatically. So, while recruiting is […]

Business Planning for 2022

It’s no secret that the last few years have been unprecedented and challenging for everyone and every business. When the world changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, companies were forced to rethink how they operate. And they’ve had to continue to roll with the punches through quarantines, mask mandates, supply shortages, costly operational expenses and […]

Preparing Your Business for the Holidays

The holiday season is approaching­, which means it’s your business’ time to shine. Consumers will soon be occupied with holiday shopping and making arrangements for their holiday plans. This is where your business comes in. Get in front of your customers and offer them your products and services before the busy season starts. Take a […]

Knowledge is Power

Knowledge sharing within an organization has significant benefits, but it does not always happen. It takes the leaders of any team to foster a collaborative environment, but that can be a challenge despite knowing the advantages. Here are some things you can do to encourage knowledge sharing and collaboration in your business. Promote Safety in […]

3 Benefits of Regular Check-Ins with Employees

For many years it has been standard for employers to hold annual employee reviews for their staff. While annual reviews provide a space to discuss workplace goals and career pathing, it’s crucial to also touch base throughout the year. Holding periodic employee check-ins, in addition to yearly reviews, can be more constructive and beneficial for […]