Social Listening and Why it Matters for Your Business

Twenty years ago, the dot-com bubble was still expanding and social listening did not yet exist. That’s how quickly digital marketing strategies have evolved and will continue to evolve. With so many frequent changes, how do small business owners keep up with social media and various trends? You can start by knowing the difference between […]
Mid-Year Business Planning

Annual business planning normally occurs in the third and fourth quarters of the previous year. During that time, business owners and team members reflect on performance and delivery, assess goals and create supporting strategies. Often, that is where it ends. With summer upon us, kids out of school and a sense of relaxation in the […]
Should I Use Facebook Live For My Small Business?

Unless you live under a rock or a non-digital world, you have most likely pondered whether to use Facebook Live to promote your small business. The answer to your pressing question is, it depends. Facebook is a social media behemoth that, with 2.74 billion monthly active users, nearly everyone is using. In fact, as Facebook reports there […]
4 Tips to Reduce Expenses Without Negatively Affecting Your Business

As a business owner, you want your business to be successful, which includes making a good profit. We discussed in previous blogs how to get more customers or sell more products or services to your existing customers. Today we want to focus on the other end of your business: expenses. Learn 4 ways to reduce […]
6 Ways to Prepare Your Employees for the Busy Season

Whether or not your business is seasonal, it likely has a busy season. Perhaps your business ebbs and flows with the weather or the holidays. Either way, you’re likely to be familiar with the time when “free time” doesn’t exist for you as a business owner. Once you’re able to establish when that busy season […]