7 Benefits of Sharing Best Practices in an Organization

Sharing best practices across your organization is an excellent way to improve overall performance and productivity. Regardless of the size of your group, team or company, capturing and communicating your employees’ experiences and knowledge will accelerate learning for all involved. During the day-to-day hustle, it can be difficult to create a classroom-like setting for employees […]
How to Manage a Multi-Generational Workforce

Currently, there are five generations in the workplace, each with its own set of values, career outlooks and aspirations. The generations in today’s workplace according to Purdue University are: Traditionalists (1925-1945) – 2% of the workforce Baby Boomers (1946-1964) – 25% of the workforce Generation X (1965-1980) – 33% of the workforce Generation Y/Millennials (1981-2000) […]
3 Benefits of Regular Check-Ins with Employees

For many years it has been standard for employers to hold annual employee reviews for their staff. While annual reviews provide a space to discuss workplace goals and career pathing, it’s crucial to also touch base throughout the year. Holding periodic employee check-ins, in addition to yearly reviews, can be more constructive and beneficial for […]