What is a Positive Work Environment?

Although a toxic work environment may mean different things to different people, most people would agree on what defines a positive work environment. A positive work environment in a traditional setting refers to a workplace where the employees feel excited, happy, and empowered to do their best work. It’s a place where people feel professionally, […]
Diversification and Investing: The Perfect Pairing

[vc_row 0=””][vc_column 0=””][vc_column_text 0=””]In the business world, terms are often tossed around in meetings and discussions with little context or that lack deep understanding. Some of these terms even rise to the level of “buzzwords” without an outline of what they mean or how they function in real life. As business leaders, we may find […]
How a SWOT Analysis Strengthens Your Business Plan

Every business should have a written business plan. That plan is your roadmap to the future success of your company. Whether you’re a new business creating that blueprint for the first time, or an existing business conducting a strategic review, you want to create a clear, strategic plan to achieve your objectives. That plan includes […]