Getting Comfortable with “The Upsell”

Getting Comfortable With The Upsell

What is “The Upsell” in the pet care business? Upselling has long been a strategy in the retail and service industries to increase revenue and enhance customer satisfaction. For pet care business owners in the U.S., understanding and implementing an upselling strategy can lead to increased revenue, longer client relationships, and improved services. While these […]

4 Questions to Ask Before Diversifying a Business

Diversification is a great way to catapult your existing business. The decision on which business opportunity to grab onto, however, can be tough. As you narrow down a shortlist of contenders for your business opportunities, you get into the deep research phase known as “discovery.” Here is where you need to dive below the surface […]

7 Benefits of Sharing Best Practices in an Organization

Sharing best practices across your organization is an excellent way to improve overall performance and productivity. Regardless of the size of your group, team or company, capturing and communicating your employees’ experiences and knowledge will accelerate learning for all involved. During the day-to-day hustle, it can be difficult to create a classroom-like setting for employees […]

Social Listening and Why it Matters for Your Business

Twenty years ago, the dot-com bubble was still expanding and social listening did not yet exist. That’s how quickly digital marketing strategies have evolved and will continue to evolve. With so many frequent changes, how do small business owners keep up with social media and various trends? You can start by knowing the difference between […]

Customer Service Basics: What Your Team Needs to Know

Customers are your company’s most critical asset. When it comes to customer service, a positive customer experience can be the key to gaining and retaining a loyal customer. 87% of people say that good customer service changes their buying behavior. In fact, of people who reported having a bad experience, 97% claimed to change their […]

Mid-Year Business Planning

Annual business planning normally occurs in the third and fourth quarters of the previous year. During that time, business owners and team members reflect on performance and delivery, assess goals and create supporting strategies. Often, that is where it ends. With summer upon us, kids out of school and a sense of relaxation in the […]

How to Manage a Multi-Generational Workforce

Currently, there are five generations in the workplace, each with its own set of values, career outlooks and aspirations. The generations in today’s workplace according to Purdue University are: Traditionalists (1925-1945) – 2% of the workforce Baby Boomers (1946-1964) – 25% of the workforce Generation X (1965-1980) – 33% of the workforce Generation Y/Millennials (1981-2000) […]

How to Manage Client Expectations

Excellent customer service starts with managing client expectations. Helping clients understand what they can expect from your services and what they shouldn’t is a fine art. Clear communication from the start is the key to setting and meeting expectations so that your customers are happy for years to come. 8 Steps For Managing Client Expectations Honesty is the best policy. A […]

Taking Advantage of the Off-Season

If you work in an industry that experiences slower periods throughout the year, the temptation as a business owner might be to check out and relax. While taking time to recover from the busy season is crucial, the off-season in business allows you to focus on things that you otherwise would not be able to […]

How to Become a Better Mentor for Your Staff

As a manager, you have the unique opportunity to become a mentor to those who report to you. Bosses who rise to the occasion and take on the role of mentor transform from the title of boss into that of a leader. The truth is that whether you rise to the challenge of becoming a […]